St. Gertrude Parish is home to a number of organizations meant to spread God’s goodwill to those in need. Please contact our parish office for more information about any of our organizations.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
The St. Vincent de Paul Society of St. Gertrude Parish operates for the purpose of providing assistance to those who are in need of life’s basic necessities. The society serves the needy regardless of creed, ethnic or social background, health, gender or political party.
Catholic Daughters of the Americas (Court Vandergrift #1008)
The Catholic Daughters of the Americas is the largest national organization of Catholic women in the world. We are the sister organization to the Knights of Columbus. We strive to be spirit-filled women who love Christ, his church, our country and all humanity. Our patroness is the Blessed Mother.
A member gives her time, talent, ideas, knowledge, dedication and enthusiasm. A member receives spiritual enrichment, leadership skills, affirmation, community, broadened horizons and a sense of accomplishment.
It is a special blessing to be a Catholic Daughter. We wish to share this blessing with others. Won’t you join us?
Our meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month in St. Gertrude Social Hall at 7:00 p.m. We meet 10 times per year and do not hold meeting during January or July.
You may contact any officer or member, or simply contact the parish office for more information. We will see that you receive an application.
Knights of Columbus (K of C)
The Knights of Columbus (K of C) is a national brotherhood of Catholic men who stand together in faith, lending support to the parish, home and community.
Membership in the Kings of Columbus is open to practicing Catholic men in union with the Holy See, who are 18 years of age or older.
Please email Keith Zanotti, or call him at 724-845-9447 if you are looking for more information, or are interested in becoming a member of this organization.