Clergy & Staff
The Rev. Alan N. Polczynski, J.C.L.
724-845-8191 ext #18
Senior Priest Active
724-845-8191 ext #15
Pastoral Assistant to the Homebound
Regional Youth Ministry Director
Business Manager
724-845-8191 ext #14
Secretary & Bulletin Editor
724-845-8191 ext #10
Music Director

Bishop Kulick invites the faithful to attend pilgrimage to National Shrine
GREENSBURG – The Most Reverend Larry J. Kulick, JCL, Bishop of Greensburg, will lead the faithful of the Diocese on a pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC, on Saturday, September 21.
The pilgrimage, entitled “The Joy of Joseph: To Jesus through Mary”, is a special trip to honor Jesus Our Lord, his mother Mary, the patroness of the Diocese of Greensburg; and his foster father Joseph, to whose protection and guardianship Bishop Kulick entrusted the Diocese of Greensburg in March of this year. It will be the first Diocesan pilgrimage led by Bishop Kulick to the Basilica of the National Shrine and the first since Bishop Emeritus, Lawrence E. Brandt led a Diocesan pilgrimage.
Bishop Kulick said the pilgrimage is designed to call to mind our Diocesan patroness, Our Lady of the Assumption, our special three-year dedication to Saint Joseph, and to serve as a prelude to the coming Holy Year 2025 with the theme “ Pilgrims of Hope”.
“ A good pilgrimage by nature requires a challenging itinerary and a commitment of time,” Bishop Kulick said. “The result is many graces and inspirational experiences.”
Buses will leave from Christ Our Shepherd Center outside of Greensburg early in the morning with a scheduled 11:30 a.m. arrival at the Basilica. Additional departure points may be added subject to the number and location of registrants. The pilgrimage will offer an opportunity for confession, recitation of the Rosary, devotions to Saint Joseph and Mass celebrated by Bishop Kulick. Optional activities include self-touring of the basilica grounds and a shuttle to the nearby Saint Pope John Paul II Center.
“This pilgrimage with the faithful from all four corners of our Diocese will be in honor of our blessed Mother and to ask for her special intercession for us, our Diocese and our nation,” Bishop Kulick said.
The cost of the pilgrimage is $135 and includes transportation, shrine activities, gratuities, materials, and a dinner stop on the way home. Breakfast food at the first rest stop, and lunch at the shrine’s cafeteria, will be on your own. A reduced cost registration is available through the Francis Fund.
For more information or to register, visit


KNOW HIM: Pilgrimage to Christ, set for Sept. 26 at Christ Our Shepherd Center, Greensburg, is an experiential event that invites participants to form a relationship with Jesus through pilgrimage, whether it is in Rome, the United States or in our own backyard. Sample foods that modern pilgrims would eat on their travels, discover how pilgrimages change our worldview and our relationship with Jesus, immerse yourself in a digital pilgrimage experience, and realize that we are a pilgrim people. Keynote presenter Jill Alexy, founder of See the Sacred, will make you a witness to the awe-inspiring, effective beauty of the Church’s treasures and show you how pilgrimage is good for the soul. Register for a session today at
Eucharistic Revival
Accept a challenge and pray for our Church, that we may all draw closer to Christ through the Eucharist, the source and summit of our faith.

Child-Protection Clearances
Check your clearances! The following must be RENEWED every 5 years:
- Virtus update: Recertification, 5th Edition – OR – “Keeping the Promise Alive 3.0”
- PA Criminal History Check
- PA Child Abuse Check
- Volunteer Affidavit – OR – Fingerprint Certification (if you have them through an employer)
How to acquire your clearances/renewals:
The following are/were done once only and do NOT have to ever be renewed:
- Virtus: Protecting God’s Children
- Mandated Reporter Training
- Diocesan Code of Pastoral Conduct
Copies of renewed clearances must be returned to the parish office as soon as possible.