Sacramental Programs
Preparation for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist is the responsibility of the parish of registration. All documentation is handled by the Coordinator of Faith Formation. If your child is receiving religious instruction outside of the parish program, you should contact the parish office to make them aware of your situation and to be included in notifications and activities.
In addition to the regular sacramental preparation, whether provided by PREP, Catholic School, or home study, candidates for the Sacraments and their parents are required by the diocese to attend an intergenerational workshop immediately preceding reception of the Sacrament. If the child was baptized at a parish other than St. Gertrude you will need to provide a copy of the baptismal record.
The Sacrament of Confirmation is scheduled every other year. A child may be either in the eighth or ninth grade when they receive the Sacrament. Confirmation is administered by the bishop and he sets the schedule. Confirmation may occur either in the fall or in the spring and usually alternates within the cycle.
Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation takes place within the EDGE program where children model the church experience (Worship, Scripture, Outreach, and Community) in their own age group. So children need to be attending the EDGE activities to be eligible to receive the Sacrament. Additional sessions deal with the Sacrament itself.
Religious Education and Formation
As a community of faith, we have a responsibility to ourselves and one another to enter into the process of ongoing formation. This process is a lifelong journey, leading us into a closer more intimate relationship with Jesus. Our children are fully welcomed into this process.
Home schooling is still an option, but parents must set up an Individual Educational Plan including meeting with the coordinator to access progress.
The EDGE program provides for the formational needs of Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade students of the region (C+K & SG) using a youth ministry model.
LIFETEEN is an instructional program using a youth ministry model for the high school students in our region (C+K & SG).
For more information, please contact the parish office or to register please complete google form.
A Letter to Parents
Dear Parents & Guardians,
You, as parents and guardians, are integral to the success of this program. The primary role of educator is that of the parents and guardians. Our catechists are entrusted with the mission of sharing the message with your children on a weekly basis.
Your children look to you as the example. You are called to be a model of a ived faith–a faith in action. Your regular attendance and participation at Mass, reinforcement of classroom teaching, emphasis on regular attendance and of weekly classes, and leading a sacramental life will speak more clearly than any words can say.
You can also keep up-to-date and informed by reading the monthly RE-View, a newsletter from the coordinator of religious formation.
God Bless.