Baptism is the gateway to life in the Spirit. It is the means through which we gain access to the other sacraments. Through baptism, we are freed from sin and reborn as children of God. By baptism we become members of Christ and his church.
The diocese of Greensburg has official qualifications for baptism sponsors, as well as the appropriate number of sponsors required.
If you are preparing to have your child baptized, please read the introduction from James, Peterman, coordinator of religious education.
Sacramental Preparation
Congratulations on seeking baptism for your child. This is a great moment and we at St. Gertrude Parish hope to assist you in preparing to celebrate baptism beautifully and meaningfully. It will be a joyous occasion for your family and for our parish.
We ask that families presenting their children for baptism be registered members of our parish. If you have not yet had a chance to register, please visit the Join Our Family page for more information on how to do so.
Once you are registered, please download the baptism informational packet and return the completed forms to our parish office.
Once the baptismal information forms are received, you will be contacted with more information about the process for preparation and celebration of the sacrament.
Please contact the parish office with questions or concerns.
Parish Information
Begin Preparation Early
- If possible, start the baptismal preparation process as soon as you know you are pregnant. Most families find this easier.
Register and Stay Active
- Baptism is a sacrament of initiation into the family of God, the Catholic faith community. It is a sacrament of belonging. Therefore, the first step is that the child’s family be part of the community, which means that they should be registered and active members of the parish for at least three months.
Active Membership
Active membership in the parish is communicated in a number of ways:
- Active participation in a ministry. St. Gertrude Parish offers many ministries, which provide an opportunity for active membership. We want you to feel part of the St. Gertrude community! One of the ministries is bound to fit you. St. Gertrude is an energetic and dynamic community because our members are actively involved with our community.
- Regular participation in Mass on a weekly basis. It takes us all actively participating to create a vibrant celebration. The greater the vibrancy of the Mass, the more it touches hearts.
- Using the weekly offering envelopes.
Complete the Pre-Baptismal Information Form and Attach Your Godparent Forms
- Return the forms to the parish office or drop them in the collection basket at Mass. If possible, this is to be done as soon as you know you are pregnant. All godparents, whether from St. Gertrude Parish or from other parishes (inside or outside of our diocese) need to sign the Role of the Godparent Form and get a letter (certification of eligibility form) from their pastor, saying that they are practicing Catholics who are prepared to be godparents.
- Godparents represent the Catholic community at the baptism. Their role is to support the growth of the Catholic faith in your child.
Attend a Baptism Preparation Workshop
- These workshops are usually held on the third Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Check with the coordinator for workshop locations and dates. Both parents are required by the Diocese of Greensburg to attend a baptism preparation workshop.
- If the Godparents are from another parish, they may attend a workshop at the parish where they are registered and active. They are welcome to join the parents at a St. Gertrude Parish workshop. You are also welcome to bring your infant to the workshop.
Schedule the Date for the Baptism
- Do not schedule family arrangements until the baptism date is confirmed with the coordinator, and all sacramental preparations are complete.