There are various ways parishioners can become involved in the life of their parish community. Liturgical ministries are one example of ways individuals can dedicate their time and talents to the celebration of Masses and special services.
Altar Server | Boys or girls who assist the priest during Mass by preparing the worship area, lighting candles, holding books used at Mass, and preparing for the Consecration. Open to any boy or girl who has received First Holy Communion. Individuals must meet special training requirements. |
Catechist | Catechists, teachers of the faith, assist the faith formation coordinator with religious education of the children. CCD currently meets Sunday morning from 9:15 to 10:30 a.m., September through May. Catechists must meet special training requirements and are subject to state background checks and other clearances. |
Catechist Aide | Catechist aides help the regular classroom catechist and occasionally take over the class when the regular catechist cannot be present. CCD current meets Sunday mornings from 9:15 to 10:30 a.m., September through May. Catechist Aides must meet special training requirements and are subject to state background checks and other clearances. |
Children’s Liturgy of the Word | Through this ministry, children are given the opportunity to hear the Sunday Mass readings in a simplified configuration. Children are dismissed from Mass and taken to the Liturgy of the Word in the church hall to read and reflect on the Sunday Scripture readings in an age-appropriate manner.Children’s Liturgy of the Word is the first three Sundays of the months during the school year, and scheduled to run during 10:30 a.m. Mass.CLW ministers are grouped in teams of three and scheduled approximately once a month. Ministers of the word must meet special training requirements and are subject to state background checks and other clearances. |
Lector | Proclaimers of the word of God from Scripture to the faithful at Mass. Individuals must meet special training requirements. |
Mercy Lunch Committee | This committee takes care of preparing the hall for use by family and friends for funeral luncheons.Chairperson: Ida Lucas |
Minister of Holy Communion | Assist the priest in distribution of the body and blood of Christ to the faithful at Mass. Individuals must meet special training and conditions of eligibility. |
Minister of Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound | Bring the body and blood of Christ to those in the hospital, nursing facility or confined to their homes. Individuals must meet special training and conditions of eligibility. |
Music Ministry | Music’s primary role in the liturgy is to assist the full, conscious and active participation of the assembly. We need people who can share their musical talents in singing, cantoring or playing instruments.Members of our music ministry are expected to attend regular rehearsals, as well as perform during a number of Masses throughout the year.Individuals who are interested in contributing to this ministry should contact Patti Donghia or the parish office. |